Band gap ground state valence band cut off wavelength
Band gap ground state valence band cut off wavelength

band gap ground state valence band cut off wavelength

The renewable resources hydroelectricity, geothermal, wind, bio-fuels are limited. Nuclear energy data indicates that it would not meet the current energy demand and it is quite hazardous to the mankind too. 67 reactors are under construction since July 2014 with a total capacity of 64 GW. In the world, 31 countries with 388 reactors are currently generating 333 GW. World nuclear energy report 2014 highlighted the fact that “the nuclear share in the world’s power generation declined steadily from a historic peak of 17.6% in 1996 to 10.8% in 2013”. Actually it is untenable and also contributes substantially to climate change and global warning. The main resource of energy, worldwide, is fossil fuel based energy. Global population, their living style/standard, industries and hence the energy demand is increasing day by day where world energy generation capacity is nearly 18 TW and otherwise almost remaining the same. Thus energy is extremely crucial factor for better quality of life for one and all, employment creation and industrial as well as economic development in a country.

band gap ground state valence band cut off wavelength

In every step and activity in our life, such as: cooking a food, lighting a home and a street, opening a college and a hospital, running a vehicle and a factory etc we need energy. Thus, increasing efficiency and decreasing cost of solar cell is the major challenge to the researchers, academicians and industrialists.

band gap ground state valence band cut off wavelength

However, to date the relatively low efficiency to cost ratio of photovoltaic solar cells limiting its use. The best option, hereby, might be solar energy and solar cell technology which is the main purpose of this paper and discussed briefly below. As a source of energy solar energy is free, unlimited, and available everywhere in this world.

band gap ground state valence band cut off wavelength

So, it is the high time to look at and develop the unexhausted, environment friendly green/clean energy and associated technologies. Thus, everyone should think its best alternative before it comes to an end. At the mean time, its reservoirs are limited and getting depleted gradually, cost is highly influencing by socio-economic and political situations, and its use creates an adverse effect to the environment as well as to the human health. To fulfill the current energy demand, the world depends, to date, upon fossil fuel based (coal, natural gas, and petroleum products) energy resource. Since there are a number of vibrational states associated with both the ground state and the excited state, the absorbance spectrum appears as a blob instead of a nice line.The world is highly mechanized, competitive, depends almost upon machinery, life style is being improving day by day consequently energy consumption rate is increasing unexpectedly. The absorbance process measures the energy difference between the ground state and the excited state as electromagnetic radiation is absorbed.


Find someone who knows your spectrometer very well and ask them how to do it (or read the manual). The exact means of doing that vary somewhat by spectrometer model. Given what I can gather from your fabrication description, you will probably need to collect said spectrum in the solid state. You need to collect an absorbance spectrum of your material. The way you go about analyzing the data to determine the band gap is independent of material, but the process of collecting the data is very specific to your material, and you should consult papers where others have made similar measurements on similar systems. There are two ways in which the band gap of a material: using optical spectroscopy and using electrochemistry.

Band gap ground state valence band cut off wavelength